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Member since May 27, 2011
Last seen April 22, 2024
Edits so far 665
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Thanks for the reply re Forster... I added that entry myself as a rough guess, looking at other tours that they did around New South Wales at the time. From what I remember it was during easter holidays and could have been '96 or '97. Funny I even found which seems to list every RSL club and little venue they ever played at, but not the show that I saw. I swear I wasn't hallucinating LOL :-D

Hi I saw that you added Midnight Oil Forster Tuncurry in 1982, do you happen to know what date they played in Forster Tuncurry Memorial Services Club in the 90s? I think it was around 1995 give or take a year or two, because I was living in Sydney at the time and visited my parents in Forster and was very surprised that the Oils were playing there right during that week i just happened to be visiting, very memorable experience for me, but have no record of the date since my emails/online photos don't go back that far :-) Thanks in advance!

Please use exact location or venue for Rhein Fire Open Air festival following guidelines at

Hi, thanks for cleaning up so much of Midnight Oil's dates!
Just wondering whether you could please weigh in on this setlist -
there's dispute over the correct date. Thanks!

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