wakon's setlist.fm

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Member since November 30, 2013
Last seen June 8, 2019
Edits so far 255
Edits last month 0


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Why do you create all those fake Massacration shows from 2013-2014?

Hi, the fix is a simple one, we need to create Precious in MusicBrainz. The problem is that in order to do that, we need a link to anything that proves the band's a existence, a Facebook page, Twitter, YouTube, whatever. I know the band is real because a few weeks ago I found a link for some concert they did a while back but I can't find it again. Can you help me? All I need is one link.

Hi! I was wondering if you can help me? I am looking for more information on Precious, the Depeche Mode tribute band for which you added some setlists.
I am just looking for link, a Facebook page, an official page, Twitter, anything that you can give me. Please write a response to my profile. Obrigado!

User charts

wakon saw 22 different artists.