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About Bartje


Member since November 4, 2012
Last seen October 6, 2023
Edits so far 9
Edits last month 0


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Hi there,

I see that you attended Tina Turner’s concert at Flanders Expo in May 1996. Did you by chance make any recordings of that concert in audio or video?? If so, could you please email me at I’d love to get a copy off of you if you’d permit it. :)


I'm looking for a scan of the concert ticket from Peter Gabriel in Brussels 2014.
Did you keep your ticket?

Thank you!

Hi! I saw that you visited 10 Peter Gabriel’s shows! Wow

I’m interested in 2003-2004 shows. Did you record any of them? If no, please let me know, so I’ll search further :)

Hi there! Did you film at the Michael Jackson show in 1988 at all? If not, that's understandable.

User charts

Bartje saw 30 different artists.