
Azrael_Ledaj's user profile image



Member since February 8, 2016
Last seen April 20, 2024
Edits so far 527
Edits last month 1


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Hi, thanks for the advice.
In some of the Journey ones was because i got them as bootlegs.
I'll try to add the source or search it next time in any setlist ;)

Hi! I noticed that you have been making a lot of changes to Journey shows, some of them pretty large. I think it would really help me and the other moderators have more confidence in your changes if you could add a source to each change you make. I did that for the 2004 show that you added in San Antonio:

If you don't do this, then don't expect any help against reverts from other users and/or moderators.

User charts

Azrael_Ledaj saw 16 different artists.