The Cure Setlist at Worthy Farm, Pilton, England
Tour: Summer Festivals 2019
- Encore:
Edits and Comments
37 activities (last edit by ExecutiveChimp, 22 Apr 2020, 17:55 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsThe Cure Gig Timeline
250 people were there
- AaronLG
- adamghidouche
- agl-crane
- Agroovy
- aidenlangan
- Alex-Stevens
- AlexKWinward
- Andyc1011
- andydavva
- angrydan
- ankv
- appleallergy
- ashl
- autumn-bs
- azzymodo
- baggie92
- Bathimp
- BedroomOcean
- BelishaBeacon
- benswift5294
- betweentheether
- big_lloyd001
- BleepFreakCP
- bluejet
- Bobbee296
- BobbyWalker
- boglondon
- BozRocks
- BraggyFC
- brettski
- brianlforbes
- Brunty9
- BunnyLaver
- Burrellius
- Busteratlarge
- calxlea
- carljd
- Chaters
- Cheddar76
- Chrissybee
- Chuckles07
- CliveHR
- Col79
- coxinel
- Crawman
- curedtc
- daithedeath
- Damofortune
- damrot
- dan11farrell
- Dancllns
- DanFango
- danfountain
- Dangerous
- daniellexlauren
- Darrenmurton
- DavidCarter1969
- declantanner
- Degzy
- dibbster46
- DigitalLove
- dilemaa
- discocampbell
- dletorey
- dljowler
- dm99
- douglasmanso
- e2p2
- eland82
- emilya
- FestivalsFest
- FinleyG
- finn_with_1_n
- fishy_ferret
- frenchy070
- friszkyfil
- gareth1962
- GH96
- gigarchive
- GQuinn
- gregie9
- Griffaldo
- griolfc
- gstewartjones
- gtobin123
- Gubee
- handonovan
- Hardgrit
- hardrockguy
- harryh97
- harrymaxwell10
- HoeJarrison
- hplewis
- Iamkieran55
- IndieT
- J1999
- jakeitaylor
- Jaylad
- jdh90
- jedgrainger
- JimmyMiff
- jk_0kay
- jltopping
- Jmoughton
- JoeHughes93
- joewheatley7
- JordHardcastle
- josh7connor
- joshflip1989
- joshscuse
- Jpoflondon
- jpttaylor
- jsimms2
- JSmurphy
- JSpil
- Judderman
- julianbraun
- k9045
- Kafka63
- Kalamity
- karmabass
- kateemilyrose
- KeaneIngram
- Kieran_Poynterr
- Kieranpoynterrr
- kingmadmat
- leekstokie
- leodis
- lewisprangnell
- LiloMan
- lilyanything
- Lindyloo12
- Littlemarksy
- LizP
- loft33
- loloaquin
- Major-Dumpling
- mandajk
- ManicStreet85
- Mark-Davies
- MarkSharratt
- mathackworth
- maxrudyyy
- meghancampbell
- metalgearcol
- MichaelDoyle
- Mikebaptist
- MildlyArtistic
- Misda_H
- Miyn
- Mouxetaire
- mr_brightside
- MrJamieJamal
- mxsytfc
- ndreyapu
- neilmorrell
- nickbyrneuk
- Nomyname
- Nordicstar
- Oburchell
- Olly
- Padje
- paps
- partera
- paulbrett91
- paulcarless
- pearljammandan
- pete_wisher96
- petechilton
- PhillyShaw
- PingPowell
- Pjsl1994
- Poynterk
- R95wilson
- RainjahNZ
- rannydoscoe
- realdrowners
- realiancollins
- Reb21
- red_tab
- RedMJnr
- reubenhendy
- ReubyT
- Revs956
- RicCarey
- rich-uk
- Riff1
- rikafiorentina
- Robcollierr
- robertdgsmith
- robinhughes2710
- robpoy
- RogH
- ryanamusgrove
- Ryanhudson1997
- RyanTerpstra93
- rycu
- ryusaki
- SaintEtienneLee
- sam22barry
- SamboXIV
- sambr
- Sanjay
- Scottlockwood
- ScottyP
- Seamus_Mc
- seanda
- Sfeierabend
- Shadowkatx
- shuggyoatis
- Siander
- SimonCR
- sjmcgregor96
- Skillfulperson
- Smiles91
- Smomo
- smpassam
- snake_eyes
- Soulofatruck
- STBestJunior
- sudiptamaity
- svnbather
- SweetSherry
- thardy1976
- ThatConnorGuy
- TheGoodWillOut
- TheRealDavidF
- thesavman
- thoosands
- TomFckingWilson
- tomosjones
- townmn
- tryptych
- undertones
- utwothefly
- Vaape
- VangelisVanezis
- vivalafrankie
- Waxinglyrical
- WebAsh
- Wiggy71
- WildOne
- willpicky
- wparryj
- wsjack3
- xander
- Xoan
- Yoghurt_Monster
- zicomartin
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