TauRush's setlist.fm

Attended Concerts
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Can you point me towards the bootleg of this show might exist? I'm finding some information that it was filmed and shown on TV as "Alan Parsons: An Intimate Evening", but there's hardly any information about it...
It was already corrected
Sure, I understand the non Rush argument. I don't have any strong opinion about it. Please, comment the same on the setlist post and we will find a better solution
Venues dienen de naam van de locatie te gebruiken, niet van een event of festival
Thanks for letting me know. I will move the Perth setlist to the correct artist in a couple of days when it can be imported from musicbrainz.
'Brotíð' is IJslands voor 'Broken' en dat (en weinig slaap) bracht me in verwarring. Setlist is bijgewerkt!
OK zal dit op de pagina vermelden.
Bedankt voor de reactie.
Noemde die tijdelijke locatie op Oostvest ook Patronaat of had die een andere naam?
Voor dergelijke gevallen zijn de mods er nog niet uit. Wel dient de naam van de zaal gebruikt te worden die op dat ogenblik geldig was, dus met al die zalen die om de zoveel jaar van sponsor veranderen, kan dat voor verwarring zorgen. Gelukkig is dat hier in Europa minder het geval dan in de USA.
Zie dat je enkele concerten in Paradiso bijwoonde. Aangezien deze opgesplitst dienen te worden naar Paradiso Grote Zaal, Paradiso Kleine Zaal, Paradiso Kelder, Paradiso Elevator... zou je deze kunnen aanpassen indien je het je nog herinnert?
The Madison Civic Center was called the Oscar Mayer Theatre in 1985. We are working on finding a way to link the various names of venues.
SOLVED!!! I finally took my notice again, ans surprise: I made an asterix! And the remark was hard to reed, but it has been: "I'm talking to you"!
And I remembered: By that time I had to ask a neighbour at the concert about the instrumental piece just been played! I didn't understand him very good and noticed: Bastard
I found out at home later, that it had been "Breakaway" in fact! And added it to the notice, but because of the missing space into the asterix! I didn't realized it as I added the setlist!
Thanks a lot for your asking! It finally helped to get all complete! Now everything is fine and finished!
Have a good time and nice concerts!
Hi again,
thanks for your interest again!
It made me check my notice of the Alan Parsons Concert in Hamburg again!
I was wrong in my answer before!
In Hamburg he played both Parts of "The Turn of a friendly Card"!
He performed the complete Album last Year (2015) in Kiel, as I remember it right!
I will add this setlist later on, after finding my notice of it!
I have already corrected the setlist of Hamburg!
Your question about the Song announced in Essen so long ago as Bastard/Basterd don't let me sleep! I even dreamed of it! I'm near the solution! I remember that I was going to notice something else in the concert! And I stucked in it! If my rememberance is right, I thought about something like: Oh, again something with Time in its title...
I had been so perplexed, that I didn't noticed it! There is one piece missing in my APP Collection and it's the song The Time Machine! So, I think it had been that one!
But give me some time to think it over, before I fill out the correction in the setlist!
SORRY! Bad should have readed "had" instead! F.....' Auto-Correction!!!
Hi TauRush,
thanks for yourcomments, first!
As far as I remember the APLP concert in Essen the song "Bastard" or "Basterd" Bad been a new one, wich isn't published yet!
The second question:
Alan Parsons played the complete Turn of a friendly Card Album in its running order!
Hi there,
I don't agree with this but I will concede. :)
ik heb deze set-lijst gekregen, was er zelf wel bij maar weet niet 1/2/3 of anouk er ook was. ben geen fan van haar, helaas. zoals je ziet ben ik wel een normaal-fan. als dit onjuist is, dan haal ik de nrs uit de setlist :)
gr tom
Here I found the Tori Amos' gigs database that I used on that moment
Hi, I'm not really sure. I found a Tori Amos gigography really long ago (when setlist.fm was new and in development). If you have a more trustworthy source, feel free to correct it.
Hello! Thanks for helping out with the APLP setlists. I have been correcting a few of the Money Talks / La Sagrada Familia medleys myself. Thanks a bunch!
see guidelines to specify your bootleg recording