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Hello. I saw that you were at the Genesis concert with 17 December 1983. Do you have a recording of this concert? I'm just asking out of curiosity. :))))))))))))) Even if you don't, maybe someone you know does? I would be very interested in this concert. :) I think I could possibly exchange it for something. Best regards. Paweł.
No problem! I'm more than happy to help! :) Wow... You should consider yourself very lucky. I certainly consider myself lucky in a lot of regards, even though there are things I do complain about. I don't want to get into a socio-political discussion, but I will say that the world is seemingly screaming and pulling itself apart right now. Things have been absolutely crazy as of late and in more ways than I'd care to admit. Life has been needlessly harder than it's ever been for so many people. I never thought that I'd be seeing, hearing of, and personally experiencing some of the things that I have these past few years. But regardless of whatever our respective situations are, we should all be grateful for what we do have, and we should try to make things better for ourselves, our loved ones, and for other people whenever possible. Like it or not, we're all in this together. We're all human beings, this crazy world we're living is our home, and it's the only one we're ever going to have. We collectively need to work things out or we're going to end up doing the unthinkable to ourselves and to the world, and there won't be any way to come back from that should it happen.
I most certainly will check out your website! Thank you so much for sharing it with me! :)
Hello! Of course! I'm more than happy to help! :) So, I don't know if you're aware, but there is a new feature on this site that was introduced last month which allows users (literally anybody; not just Mods or Roadies) to add future shows up to two years in advance. There are a few conditions that come with this, though: 1.) Obviously the site's guidelines must be followed and valid sources must be provided with these setlists as they're being added in. 2.) A user can make edits to everything on a future setlist EXCEPT the songs, which the site will not allow anyone to edit until two days before the concert is scheduled to take place. 3.) To add/edit future setlists, a user must have the most recent Preferred Edit Format settings applied to their account; anyone using the older settings won't be able to add or edit any future setlists.
Regarding people being "the first" to add setlists in before the shows take place, believe you me, I don't like it either. It's extremely presumptuous, very irritiating, and actually goes against the site's guidelines. As you said, setlists can change as a concert goes on. That in itself makes paper setlists potentially unreliable in some instances. Literally ANYTHING can happen at a concert, you know? Songs listed on a paper setlist can be skipped, songs not listed can be spontaneously played, songs can be played out of order, various other things not listed on most paper setlists (solos, jams, standalone snippets, intro/outro tapes, etc.) could be performed, and on top of that, shows can be forced to end early for a variety of reasons: inclement weather, curfews, power failures, equipment failures, band members becoming ill/getting hurt, and fan injuries, to name just a few. Shows should be updated as they happen. If a setlist is leaked out and someone tries adding it in before the show even occurs, that user's edit should be reverted and they should be told to wait to make edits until the show starts.
I can definitely understand you being annoyed with all this; I myself have some concerns about the new feature and I do get annoyed by some users racing to add all these new setlists in. But I don't think these new features are going to go away anytime soon unless something really drastic happens, and it'd have to be something pretty bad for something so huge and new to be completely revoked. This feature is likely hear to stay and as it tends to go with all other drastic changes on this site, it's just something that we're all going to have to get used to.
Hello again! Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve that problem. I can't even find anything about that in the guidelines, which is curious, and there doesn't seem to be any way to make an edit after clicking on an arrow. I would talk to a Moderator about this issue, as they might have more of an understanding as to how that whole thing works. I'm sorry I wasn't very much help! I hope you're able to figure this issue out soon!
Hello! I apologize for the delayed response! Life has been rather hectic as of late... Anyways, I really appreciate, and accept, your apology. :)
Regarding the @Info/@Set tag, both are technically correct for pointing out that a show is acoustic, but I think you're right in that @Set tags are more for denoting that a section of a show is acoustic. In my experience though, I've seen a lot of users add in @Info tags to individual songs even though there's a note at the bottom of the setlist pointing out that it's an acoustic show. Because of that, I've typically added @Set tags in because they appear at the top of the setlist. But again, both are technically correct and your method is probably the more correct thing to do.
Again, thank you for apologizing and for being so sincere about it! I really do appreciate it! I wish more users on here would do this, but so it goes... I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Cheers! :)
I reverted my recent edit to the Mazzy Star setlist. I'm not going to change any of those setlists not because you told me to, but because I don't want to start any needless edit wars on here. I very strongly suggest you reconsider how you address/talk to people on here and not give other users orders. I'm sorry to have been a "minor annoyance" to you.
hi railrat, sorry i missed your messages from a couple of months ago. i did make a sincere mistake in adding vedder's name to the first of those two ministry bridge shows. i was watching video online and impulsively edited the entry, thinking that the video i was looking at was for that first show and not the second. my apologies for the edit and my tartness in responding.
Great meeting you at Jim Irsay's collection. Keep on, Keepin' on
Hi. Everything looks good if you want to fix those shows. I didn't realize who was in 'Echos'. Normally we list shows as advertised, but your edit makes sense. Thanks
Wow! Great site and I love the ticket stub images :)
Takes me back… beats a bunch of screenshots of QR codes! :)
Hey now, railrat!
It’s awesome you’re adding TXR shows! There are many holes to fill in….
Before you add more shows with “Grate Room” as the venue, take a look at the numbers. Someone added that as a venue tag when the vast majority of shows there were under “Terrapin Crossroads”. Kinda threw a wrench into things. Same with the “Beach Park” tag. My modus operandi has been to use the “Terrapin Crossroads” venue tag for Grate Room shows, as well as for Beach Park shows but noting the Beach park stage in show info. The Bar in the restaurant has its own tag, which is a helpful distinction. If you have more set lists, or even placeholder dates for those please add them - I know there are major gaps there.
Thanks - keep at it!!
Hi. What's your method for remembering all those songs played at shows almost 30 years ago? Just wondering your process.
Either way is okay but with four songs I would use the set designation myself. But you really don’t have to change it if you don’t feel like it. In fact, a few years ago using the set designation wasn’t standard procedure
We don't put support act info in the setlist body of the headliner but feel free to put that info in the Comment section. In fact, you can post just about anything in the Comment section that isn't profane including personal memories, opinions etc.
Usually the info for the support acts shows up on the setlist page below the Songs on Albums section and above attendees but not always for some reason. You can add the setlists for opening acts yourself if they are missing.
It sounds like what you did with the acoustic sets is fine as there is more than one way to list them. But if you send me a link to the setlist in question or tell me what is was I will have a better idea of what you mean.
We don't put support act info in the setlist body of the headliner. Please stop.
Hi railrat, I see you were at the Neil young show in 1996 at old Princeton landing! Any memorabilia or collectibles you have from that?